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Rilasciato DraftSight 2017 SP0 per Windows, Mac e Linux

By Marco Giannini

Dassault Systèmes ha ufficialmente rilasciato DraftSight 2017 SP0, la nuova versione del suo famoso CAD 2D gratuito (è richiesta soltanto una attivazione tramite email) per Windows (l’installer è disponibile sia per sistemi a 32-bit che per sistemi a 64-bit), macOS e Linux a 64-bit (l’installer è disponibile sia in formato RPM per distro come Fedora o openSUSE che in formato DEB per distro come Ubuntu, Linux Mint o Debian).
DraftSight 2017 SP0 su Windows 10
Le principali novità della versione gratuita di questa release riguardano l’introduzione di nuovi comandi Pattern (CircularPatterne e Linear Pattern) e miglioramenti nell’editing del comando Polilinea.

DraftSight 2017 SP0 su KDE neon

Le versioni Professional e Enterprise si arricchiscono invece di nuovi strumenti e funzionalità come la possibilità di importare i DGN.
Trovate uno schema riepilogativo delle principali novità nell’immagine che segue

draftsight2017sp0 diff versioni

Di seguito trovate le note di rilascio complete di DraftSight 2017 SP0:

New Commands (All versions):

  • ChangeSpace. Transfers entities from Model workspace to Sheet workspace and vice versa.
  • Additional Pattern commands: CircularPattern. Creates copies of specified entities in a circular pattern (command window variant of the Pattern command, Circular option). LinearPattern. Creates copies of specified entities in a linear matrix (command window variant of the Pattern command, Linear option).

New Features (All versions):

  • PolyLine editing improvements. The following options are new to the EditPolyLine command: Taper. Tapers the width of the PolyLine from the start point to the end point. – Reverse. Reverses the direction of the PolyLine. – Add vertex to midpoint. Inserts an additional vertex at the midpoint of the next segment. – Convert to arc / Convert to line. Converts the next PolyLine segment to an arc if it is a linear segment or to a line if it is a curved segment.
  • Auto-Hiding of palettes. Hides palettes automatically whenever you move the pointer away from the palette. Palettes expand when you move the pointer to the title bar of a collapsed palette.
  • Print dialog box improvements. The Print dialog box has been redesigned to improve usability. The print preview updates dynamically when you change print settings and shows an optimized preview image before you print.
  • Dialog Box layout improvements. Redesigned and rearranged dialog boxes for clarity.

New Commands (Professional & Enterprise versions only):

  • Centerline. Creates Centerlines between pairs of Lines, Arcs, and PolyLine segments. You can set the extension for Centerlines to exceed the entities which define the contour. The specific LineStyle for Centerlines is assigned automatically.
  • Patterns along a path: – Pattern command, Path option. Creates copies of specified entities along a path. The path can be a Line, PolyLine, Arc, Circle, Ellipse, or Spline. Alignment options control the resulting pattern appearance. – PathPattern. Command window variant of the Pattern command, Path option.
  • Split Dimension. Splits dimension and extension lines of Dimension entities where they intersect other entities. You can also join split dimension and extension lines.
  • EditXBlockAttribute. Modifies the BlockAttribute values and properties of inserted Blocks. Property changes include Layer, TextStyle, and other settings.
  • ImportDGN. Inserts content from DGN files (DesiGN files) as Blocks into drawings.
  • DGN Underlay commands: – AttachDGN. Attaches a Design Model of a DGN file to a drawing. – LayersDGN. Controls the layer visibility of a DGN Underlay. – ClipDGN. Clips a DGN Underlay at a specified boundary. – DetachDGN. Detaches DGN Underlays that were attached to the current drawing. – DGNUnderlayOptions. Sets EntitySnap access to DGN Underlay entities and controls the frame visibility of DGN Underlays. – The names of the PDF Underlays that you attach to a drawing are listed in the References palette. Use this palette to manage PDF Underlays.
  • Auto-Completion commands: – AutoCompleteOptions. Sets options to apply auto-completion of command names and command variable names as you type them. It also displays a suggestion list with command and variable names which contains the sub-string that you enter. – AutoCompleteOptions. Command window variant of the AutoCompleteOptions command.

New Features (Professional & Enterprise versions only):

  • Heads-up Display toolbar. Appears when you select entities and lets you zoom to the specified entities, change the Layer, LineStyle, and LineWidth, dimension entities, or create a Block from the entities.
  • Dimension snap offset distances. Places dimension lines at specified distances from measured linear entities and between successive dimension lines. Places leader lines at specified angles for radius and diameter dimensions.
  • Import Part Contour (DELMIA to DraftSight). Imports part contour profile from the DELMIA generated .xml files into DraftSight .dwg for verification and editing purposes, then re-save it manually as a .dxf for CNC machines.
  • Export Tables to Excel. Provides ability to export the standard tables, Toolbox Bill of Materials and Revision Tables to .xlsx spreadsheet.

New Toolbox Features (Professional & Enterprise versions only):

  • Predefined layer support. Maps predefined layers to basic entity types or to Toolbox parts, symbols, and tables. Applies the layer definitions when you create the entities or insert the items.
  • JIS hardware. Several JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards) hardware types are new to Toolbox.

New API (Professional & Enterprise versions only):

  • Ribbon Interface API. Lets 3rd party add-in developers to add their custom user interface to the ribbon through which users can interact with those add-ins.
Per una panoramica completa di tutte le novità vi rimando al sito http://draftsight2017.com/ dove troverete una serie di video esplicativi sulle novità di questo rilascio.
Potete scaricare la versione gratuita di DraftSight 2017 SP0 per Windows, Mac e Linux all’indirizzo http://www.3ds.com/products-services/draftsight-cad-software/free-download/
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