Lista completa codici segreti Android!
Antico articolo appena revisionato, godetevelo!
I produttori di smartphone hanno da sempre inserito dei “codici segreti”, che vanno inseriti attraverso il tastierino telefonico. Questi codici permettono di aprire dei menù o delle impostazioni nascoste. Oggi vi presento in questo articolo tutti i codici per il sistemo operativo Android (attualmente in circolazione).
NOTA: Questi codici posso essere pericolosi: potrebbero rendere il vostro device inutilizzabile o cancellare alcuni, per cui è molto importante sapere fare un backup generale prima di procedere.
1. Codici Generici per smartphone Android
- *#*#4636#*#* Display information about Phone, Battery and Usage statistics
- *#*#7780#*#* Resetting your phone to factory state-Only deletes application data and applications
- *2767*3855# It’s a complete wiping of your mobile also it reinstalls the phones firmware
- *#*#34971539#*#* Shows completes information about the camera
- *#*#7594#*#* Changing the power button behavior-Enables direct poweroff once the code enabled
- *#*#273283*255*663282*#*#* For a quick backup to all your media files
- *#*#197328640#*#* Enabling test mode for service activity
- *#*#232339#*#* OR *#*#526#*#* Wireless Lan Tests
- *#*#232338#*#* Displays Wi-Fi Mac-address
- *#*#1472365#*#* For a quick GPS test
- *#*#1575#*#* A Different type GPS test
- *#*#0283#*#* Packet Loopback test
- *#*#0*#*#* LCD display test
- *#*#0673#*#* OR *#*#0289#*#* Audio test
- *#*#0842#*#* Vibration and Backlight test
- *#*#2663#*#* Displays touch-screen version
- *#*#2664#*#* Touch-Screen test
- *#*#0588#*#* Proximity sensor test
- *#*#3264#*#* Ram version
- *#*#232331#*#* Bluetooth test
- *#*#7262626#*#* Field test
- *#*#232337#*#* Displays bluetooth device address
- *#*#8255#*#* For Google Talk service monitoring
- *#*#4986*2650468#*#* PDA, Phone, Hardware, RF Call Date firmware info
- *#*#1234#*#* PDA and Phone firmware info
- *#*#1111#*#* FTA Software version
- *#*#2222#*#* FTA Hardware verion
- *#*#44336#*#* Displays Build time and change list number
- *#06# Displsys IMEI number
- *#*#8351#*#* Enables voice dialing logging mode
- *#*#8350#*#* Disables voice dialing logging mode
2. Oppo ColorOS
- #800# – Enter engineering mode
- *#801# – Engineering switch test mode (dangerous)
- *#802# – enter automatically engineering TTFF GPS test mode
- *#803# – enter engineering network test mode
- *#804# – automatic disconnect test mode
- *#805# – engineering bluetooth test mode
- *#806# – engineering aging test mode
- *#807# – enter engineering test mode
- *#808# – enter manual engineering test mode
- *#809# – enter engineering echo test mode
- *#888# – view hardware pcb version
- *#900# – test photograph RGB
- *#06# – view this machine mobile communication international recognition id
- *#99# – screen lights long bright
- *#6776# – machine info
- *#1234# – view software details
- `*#36446337# – test function instruction
3. Samsung
- *#*#4636#*#* Display information about Phone, Battery and Usage statistics
- *#*#7780#*#* Restting your phone to factory state-Only deletes application data and applications
- *2767*3855# It’s a complete wiping of your mobile also it reinstalls the phones firmware
- *#*#34971539#*#* Shows completes information about the camera
- *#*#7594#*#* Changing the power button behavior-Enables direct poweroff once the code enabled
- *#*#273283*255*663282*#*#* For a quick backup to all your media files
- *#*#197328640#*#* Enabling test mode for service activity
- *#*#232339#*#* OR *#*#526#*#* Wireless Lan Tests
- *#*#232338#*#* Displays Wi-Fi Mac-address
- *#*#1472365#*#* For a quick GPS test
- *#*#1575#*#* A Different type GPS test
- *#*#0283#*#* Packet Loopback test
- *#*#0*#*#* LCD display test
- *#*#0673#*#* OR *#*#0289#*#* Audio test
- *#*#0842#*#* Vibration and Backlight test
- *#*#2663#*#* Displays touch-screen version
- *#*#2664#*#* Touch-Screen test
- *#*#0588#*#* Proximity sensor test
- *#*#3264#*#* Ram version
- *#*#232331#*#* Bluetooth test
- *#*#7262626#*#* Field test
- *#*#232337#*# Displays bluetooth device address
- *#*#8255#*#* For Google Talk service monitoring
- *#*#4986*2650468#*#* PDA, Phone, Hardware, RF Call Date firmware info
- *#*#1234#*#* PDA and Phone firmware info
- *#*#1111#*#* FTA Software version
- *#*#2222#*#* FTA Hardware verion
- *#*#44336#*#* Displays Build time and change list number
- *#06# Displsys IMEI number
- *#*#8351#*#* Enables voice dialing logging mode
- *#*#8350#*#* Disables voice dialing logging mode
- ##778 (+call) Brings up Epst menu
4. HTC
- *#*#3424#*#* HTC function test Program.
- *#*#4636#*#* HTC Info menu
- *#*#8255#*#* launching GTalk Service Monitor
- ##3424# Diagnostic mode.
- ##3282# for EPST.
- ##8626337# for VOCODER
- ##33284# Field trial menu.
- ##786# Reverse Logistics Support.
- ##7738# Protocol Revision.
5. Sony
- 1. *#*#4636#*#* – Used to access phone Information (allows you to change the SMS service centre number and more)
- 2. *2767*3855# – For factory reset Xperia Z
- 3. *#*#34971539#*#* Shows complete information about the camera
- 4. *#*#7594#*#* – Used for changing the power button behavior, it also enables direct power off once the code is enabled
- 5. *#*#273283*255*663282*#*#* – For a quick backup to all your media files. (to avoid loss of files)
- 6. *#*#197328640#*#* – Enabling test mode for service activity
- 7. *#*#232339#*#* or *#*#526#*#* or *#*#528#*#* – Wireless LAN Tests
- 8. *#*#232338#*#* – Used to Display Wi-Fi Mac-address
- 9. *#*#1472365#*#* – Used for a quick GPS test
- 10. *#*#1575#*#* – For another different type of GPS test
- 11. *#*#0283#*#* – Packet Loopback test
- 12. *#*#0*#*#* – LCD display test
- 13. *#*#0673#*#* or *#*#0289#*#* – To test Audio of Xperia U
- 14. *#*#0842#*#* – Vibration and Backlight test
- 15. *#*#2663#*#* – Displays touch-screen version
- 16. *#*#2664#*#* – Touch-Screen test
- 17. *#*#0588#*#* – Proximity sensor test
- 18. *#*#3264#*#* – RAM version
- 19. *#*#232331#*#* – Bluetooth test
- 20. *#*#7262626#*#* – Field test
- 21. *#*#232337#*#* – Displays bluetooth device address
- 22. *#*#8255#*#* – For Google Talk (GTalk) service monitoring
- 23. *#*#4986*2650468#*#* – PDA, Phone, Hardware, RF Call Date firmware info
- 24. *#*#1234#*#* – PDA and Phone firmware infomation
- 25. *#*#1111#*#* – FTA Software version
- 26. *#*#2222#*#* – FTA Hardware verion
- 26. *#*#44336#*#* – Displays Build time and change list number
- 27. *#06# – Displays IMEI number
- 28. *#*#8351#*#* – Enables voice dialing logging mode
- 29. *#*#8350#*#* – Disables voice dialing logging mode
- 30. **05***# – Execute from Emergency dial screen to unlock PUK code
6. Motorola
- Moto devices have a hidden menu, accessible by entering *#*#4636#*#* in the dialer.
- How to find IMEI on Motorola Moto G? Please use this code: *#06#
- Moto G Hard Reset (careful there!) *#*#786#*#*
- Open Superuser App *#*#1234#*#* or *#*#7873778#*#*
- Manual Check Update *#*#2432546#*#*
- Motorola Service Menu *#*#2486#*#*
7. LG G3
- International Models: 3845#*855#
- Se per il G3 è 3845#*855#, allora per il G2 è 3845#*802#, per il G2 mini 3845#*620# e lo stesso anche per altri modelli.
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