*GUIDA*: Come Giocare in SplitScreen Multiplayer Offline su Left4Dead 2 PC!

By Salvo Cirmi (Tux1)


Un’altra guida intitolata Left4Dead, eh si, me ne sono occupato abbastanza, anche perché so quanto apprezzate questo titolo videoludico (che francamente non amo moltissimo). Oggi vedremo come giocare in Multiplayer offline su PC, quindi splitscreen con un amico. Non sarà una cosa tanto semplice, ma cercherò di renderla tale. Iniziamo!

Le GUIDE Correlate!

prima di procedere, dovete seguire la prima guida, quella su come aprire una console. Non potrete procedere senza.

1: Come gioco in multiplayer splitscreen su Left4Dead?

A) Aprite il gioco. Una volta aperto, vi troverete davanti la console (in caso contrario, seguite la nostra guida su come aprirla. Perché avete ignorato il messaggio precedente??);

B) Scrivete sulla console il seguente comando:

ss_map c5m1_waterfront versus

dove c5m1_waterfront è il nome della mappa che volete aprire. Ecco la lista delle mappe:

Dead Center – c1m1_hotel
Dark Carnival – c2m1_highway
Swamp Fever – c3m1_plankcountry
Hard Rain – c4m1_milltown_a
The Parish – c5m1_waterfront
No Mercy – l4d_hospital01_apartment
Death Toll – l4d_smalltown01_caves
Dead Air – l4d_airport01_greenhouse
Arena of The Dead 2 – jsarena201_town
Blood Harvest – l4d_farm01_hilltop
Crash Course – l4d_garage01_alleys
Death Aboard – l4d_deathaboard01_prison
Death Row – l4d_deathrow01_streets
Die Screaming – l4d_scream01_yards
Dead Echo – l4d_de01_sewers
Hellhouse 2 – l4d2_sv_hell_house (survival)
Lego – lg_surv (survival – according to omnigoose works well splitscreen)
Left 4 Cake – left4cake01_start
Night of the Living Dead – l4d_sv_notld
The Palace v2 (also called The Cinema) – g14cinema (scavenge/survival map)

C) Fatto ciò il gioco caricherà la mappa. Adesso collegate i controller (ammesso che li abbiate) e scrivete sulla console:

connect_splitscreen localhost 2

D) Il gioco caricherà ancora e vi ritroverete con una schermata di questo tipo:

La fantastica modalità multiplayer!

direi che non manca più nulla. Avete finito.

Mi servono i file di configurazione dei controller!

Per coloro che hanno intenzione di creare dei file di configurazione del proprio controller in C:–>Steam–>SteamApps–>Common–>Left4Dead, vi diamo i file di configurazione per i diversi controller:

Controller PS3

name2 Player2
ss_splitmode 2
//ss_enable 1

bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
bind "`" "toggleconsole"
bind "START" "gameui_activate"

bind "TAB" "+showscores"
bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "0" "slot10"
bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "5" "slot5"
bind "6" "slot6"
bind "7" "slot7"
bind "8" "slot8"
bind "9" "slot9"
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "e" "+use"
bind "f" "impulse 100"
bind "h" "motd"
bind "m" "chooseteam"
bind "c" "+voicerecord"
bind "q" "lastinv"
bind "r" "+reload"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "t" "impulse 201"
bind "u" "messagemode2"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "x" "+mouse_menu QA"
bind "y" "messagemode"
bind "z" "+mouse_menu Orders"
bind "c" "+duck"
bind "SHIFT" "+speed"
bind "F1" "Vote Yes"
bind "F2" "Vote No"
bind "F5" "jpeg"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"
bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev"
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
bind "MOUSE3" "+zoom"

joystick 1
joy_advanced "1"			// use advanced joystick options (allows for multiple axes)

joy_name "PS3 Configuration"
joy_advaxisx 3 // x-axis controls GAME_AXIS_SIDE (strafing left and right)
joy_advaxisy 1 // y-axis controls GAME_AXIS_FORWARD (move forward and back)
joy_advaxisz 4 // z-axis is treated like a button
joy_advaxisr 2 // r-axis controls GAME_AXIS_PITCH (look up and down)
joy_advaxisu 0 // u-axis controls GAME_AXIS_YAW (look left and right)
joy_advaxisv 0 // v-axis is unused
joy_forwardsensitivity -1.0 // movement sensitivity
joy_sidesensitivity 1.0
joy_forwardthreshold 0.1 // movement dead zone settings
joy_sidethreshold 0.1
joy_pitchsensitivity 1.0 // look sensitivity
joy_yawsensitivity -1.5
joy_pitchthreshold 0.1 // look dead zone settings
joy_yawthreshold 0.15

//joy_variable_frametime 1
joy_autoaimdampenrange 0.85
joy_autoaimdampen 0.5
joy_lowend 0.65
joy_lowmap 0.15
joy_accelscale 3.0
joy_accelmax 4.0
joy_response_move 5
joy_response_look 1
joy_autoaimdampen 0.3
joy_autoaimdampenrange 0.85
joyadvancedupdate // advanced joystick update allows for analog control of move and look

// controller2 bindings
cmd2 +jlook
cmd2 bind "JOY1" "chooseteam"
cmd2 bind "JOY15" "+jump;+menuAccept" // X button
cmd2 bind "JOY13" "invnext" // TRIANGLE button
cmd2 bind "JOY16" "+use" //  SQUARE button
cmd2 bind "JOY12" "+lookspin"
cmd2 bind "JOY11" "+duck"
cmd2 bind "JOY14" "+reload" // CIRCLE button
cmd2 bind "JOY5" "impulse 100" // toggle flashlight - UP arrow
cmd2 bind "JOY6" "slot4" // grenades - RIGHT arrow slot3
cmd2 bind "JOY7" "slot5" // Health Kit - DOWN arrow slot4
cmd2 bind "JOY8" "slot3" // Pain Pills - LEFT arrow slot5
cmd2 bind "JOY9" "+attack2" // Fast 180 spin - left trigger2
cmd2 bind "JOY10" "+attack" // swap pistol/rifle - right trigger2

cmd2 bind "JOY2" "vocalize smartlook" // LS - vocalize STICK1
cmd2 bind "JOY3" "+zoom" // RS click - Rifle Zoom STICK2

cmd2 bind "JOY17" "motd"
cmd2 bind "JOY4" "gameui_activate"

Controller 360:

name2 Player2
ss_splitmode 1
//ss_enable 1
joystick 1
joy_advanced "1" // use advanced joystick options (allows for multiple axes)

joy_name "L4D Xbox360 Joystick Configuration"
joy_inverty2 0
joy_advaxisx 3 // x-axis controls GAME_AXIS_SIDE (strafing left and right)
joy_advaxisy 1 // y-axis controls GAME_AXIS_FORWARD (move forward and back)
joy_advaxisz 0 // z-axis is treated like a button
joy_advaxisr 2 // r-axis controls GAME_AXIS_PITCH (look up and down)
joy_advaxisu 4 // u-axis controls GAME_AXIS_YAW (look left and right)
joy_advaxisv 0 // v-axis is unused
joy_forwardsensitivity -1.0 // movement sensitivity
joy_sidesensitivity 1.0
joy_forwardthreshold 0.1 // movement dead zone settings
joy_sidethreshold 0.1
joy_pitchsensitivity 1.0 // look sensitivity
joy_yawsensitivity -1.5
joy_pitchthreshold 0.1 // look dead zone settings
joy_yawthreshold 0.0

joy_variable_frametime 1
joy_autoaimdampenrange 0.85
joy_autoaimdampen 0.5
joy_lowend 0.65
joy_lowmap 0.15
joy_accelscale 3.0
joy_accelmax 4.0
joy_response_move 5
joy_response_look 1
joy_autoaimdampen 0.3
joy_autoaimdampenrange 0.85
joyadvancedupdate // advanced joystick update allows for analog control of move and look

// Alternate control 1
bind "0" "slot10"
bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "5" "slot5"
bind "6" "slot6"
bind "7" "slot7"
bind "8" "slot8"
bind "9" "slot9"
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "c" "+voicerecord"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "e" "+use"
bind "f" "impulse 100"
bind "h" "motd"
bind "m" "chooseteam"
bind "q" "lastinv"
bind "r" "+reload"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "t" "impulse 201"
bind "u" "messagemode2"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "x" "+mouse_menu QA"
bind "y" "messagemode"
bind "z" "+mouse_menu Orders"
bind "`" "toggleconsole"
bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "TAB" "+showscores"
bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
bind "SHIFT" "+speed"
bind "CTRL" "+duck"
bind "F1" "Vote Yes"
bind "F2" "Vote No"
bind "F5" "jpeg"
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
bind "MOUSE3" "+zoom"
bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"

// controller2 bindings
cmd2 +jlook // enable joystick look
cmd2 bind "A_BUTTON" "+jump;+menuAccept" // (A) button - Jump -menuAccpt allows us to make selections on hud menus
cmd2 bind "B_BUTTON" "+reload" // (B) button - Reload
cmd2 bind "X_BUTTON" "+use" // (X) Use
cmd2 bind "Y_BUTTON" "lastinv" // (Y) button - swap pistol/rifle or z_abort -used to respawn as a ghost.
cmd2 bind "R_TRIGGER" "+attack" // RT - Main weapon - Primary trigger
cmd2 bind "L_TRIGGER" "+attack2" // LT - Melee
cmd2 bind "R_SHOULDER" "+lookspin" // RB - Fast 180 spin
cmd2 bind "L_SHOULDER" "toggle_duck" // LB - Duck - is also used to give objects to people.
cmd2 bind "STICK1" "vocalize smartlook" // LS - vocalize
cmd2 bind "STICK2" "+zoom" // RS click - Rifle Zoom

// Fixed bindings, do not change these across joystick presets
cmd2 bind "BACK" "togglescores" // (back) button - scores
cmd2 bind "START" "pause" // (start) button - pause
cmd2 bind "S1_UP" "+menuUp" // Hud menu Up
cmd2 bind "S1_DOWN" "+menuDown" // Hud menu Down
cmd2 bind "UP" "impulse 100" // DPad Up - Toggle flashlight
cmd2 bind "LEFT" "slot3" // DPad Left - grenade
cmd2 bind "RIGHT" "slot4" // DPad Right - health
cmd2 bind "DOWN" "slot5" // DPad Down - Pills

Controller PS2:

name2 Player2
ss_splitmode 2
//ss_enable 1

bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
bind "`" "toggleconsole"
bind "START" "gameui_activate"

bind "TAB" "+showscores"
bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "0" "slot10"
bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "5" "slot5"
bind "6" "slot6"
bind "7" "slot7"
bind "8" "slot8"
bind "9" "slot9"
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "e" "+use"
bind "f" "impulse 100"
bind "h" "motd"
bind "m" "chooseteam"
bind "c" "+voicerecord"
bind "q" "lastinv"
bind "r" "+reload"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "t" "impulse 201"
bind "u" "messagemode2"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "x" "+mouse_menu QA"
bind "y" "messagemode"
bind "z" "+mouse_menu Orders"
bind "c" "+duck"
bind "SHIFT" "+speed"
bind "F1" "Vote Yes"
bind "F2" "Vote No"
bind "F5" "jpeg"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"
bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev"
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
bind "MOUSE3" "+zoom"

joystick 1
joy_advanced "1" // use advanced joystick options (allows for multiple axes)

joy_name "L4D2 Playstation2 Joystick Configuration"
joy_advaxisx 3 // x-axis controls GAME_AXIS_SIDE (strafing left and right)
joy_advaxisy 1 // y-axis controls GAME_AXIS_FORWARD (move forward and back)
joy_advaxisz 2 // z-axis is treated like a button
joy_advaxisr 4 // r-axis controls GAME_AXIS_PITCH (look up and down)
joy_advaxisu 0 // u-axis controls GAME_AXIS_YAW (look left and right)
joy_advaxisv 0 // v-axis is unused
joy_forwardsensitivity -1.0 // movement sensitivity
joy_sidesensitivity 1.0
joy_forwardthreshold 0.1 // movement dead zone settings
joy_sidethreshold 0.1
joy_pitchsensitivity 1.0 // look sensitivity
joy_yawsensitivity -1.5
joy_pitchthreshold 0.1 // look dead zone settings
joy_yawthreshold 0.15

joy_variable_frametime 1
joy_autoaimdampenrange 0.85
joy_autoaimdampen 0.5
joy_lowend 0.65
joy_lowmap 0.15
joy_accelscale 3.0
joy_accelmax 4.0
joy_response_move 5
joy_response_look 1
joy_autoaimdampen 0.3
joy_autoaimdampenrange 0.85
joyadvancedupdate // advanced joystick update allows for analog control of move and look

// controller1 bindings
+jlook // enable joystick look
bind "JOY3" "+jump;+menuAccept" // (A) button - Jump -menuAccpt allows us to make selections on hud menus
bind "JOY2" "+reload" // (B) button - Reload
bind "JOY4" "+use" // (X) Use
bind "JOY1" "lastinv" // (Y) button - swap pistol/rifle or z_abort -used to respawn as a ghost.
bind "JOY6" "+attack" // RT - Main weapon - Primary trigger
bind "JOY5" "+attack2" // LT - Melee
bind "JOY8" "+lookspin" // RB - Fast 180 spin
bind "JOY7" "toggle_duck" // LB - Duck - is also used to give objects to people.
// bind "JOY11" "vocalize smartlook" // LS - vocalize
bind "JOY12" "+zoom" // RS click - Rifle Zoom

// Fixed bindings, do not change these across joystick presets
bind "JOY9" "togglescores" // (back) button - scores
bind "JOY10" "gameui_activate" // (start) button - pause
bind "POV_UP" "+menuUp" // Hud menu Up
bind "POV_DOWN" "+menuDown" // Hud menu Down
bind "POV_UP" "impulse 100" // DPad Up - Toggle flashlight
bind "POV_LEFT" "slot3" // DPad Left - grenade
bind "POV_RIGHT" "slot4" // DPad Right - health
bind "POV_DOWN" "slot5" // DPad Down - Pills

// 自創 投票/麥克風指令
alias "voteyes2" "Vote Yes"
alias "voteno2" "Vote No"
alias "-joyvote2" "bind JOY7 toggle_duck;bind JOY8 +lookspin;bind JOY10 gameui_activate;vocalize smartlook"
alias "+joyvote2" "bind JOY7 voteyes2;bind JOY8 voteno2;bind JOY10 +voicerecord"
bind "JOY11" "+joyvote2"

// controller2 bindings
cmd2 +jlook // enable joystick look
cmd2 bind "JOY3" "+jump;+menuAccept" // (A) button - Jump -menuAccpt allows us to make selections on hud menus
cmd2 bind "JOY2" "+reload" // (B) button - Reload
cmd2 bind "JOY4" "+use" // (X) Use
cmd2 bind "JOY1" "lastinv" // (Y) button - swap pistol/rifle or z_abort -used to respawn as a ghost.
cmd2 bind "JOY6" "+attack" // RT - Main weapon - Primary trigger
cmd2 bind "JOY5" "+attack2" // LT - Melee
cmd2 bind "JOY8" "+lookspin" // RB - Fast 180 spin
cmd2 bind "JOY7" "toggle_duck" // LB - Duck - is also used to give objects to people.
// cmd2 bind "JOY11" "vocalize smartlook" // LS - vocalize
cmd2 bind "JOY12" "+zoom" // RS click - Rifle Zoom

// Fixed bindings, do not change these across joystick presets
cmd2 bind "JOY9" "togglescores" // (back) button - scores
cmd2 bind "JOY10" "gameui_activate" // (start) button - pause
cmd2 bind "POV_UP" "+menuUp" // Hud menu Up
cmd2 bind "POV_DOWN" "+menuDown" // Hud menu Down
cmd2 bind "POV_UP" "impulse 100" // DPad Up - Toggle flashlight
cmd2 bind "POV_LEFT" "slot3" // DPad Left - grenade
cmd2 bind "POV_RIGHT" "slot4" // DPad Right - health
cmd2 bind "POV_DOWN" "slot5" // DPad Down - Pills

// Vote/Voice chat bindings
alias "voteyes" "cmd2 Vote Yes"
alias "voteno" "cmd2 Vote No"
alias "-joyvote" "cmd2 bind JOY7 toggle_duck;cmd2 bind JOY8 +lookspin;cmd2 bind JOY10 gameui_activate;vocalize smartlook"
alias "+joyvote" "cmd2 bind JOY7 voteyes;cmd2 bind JOY8 voteno;cmd2 bind JOY10 +voicerecord"
cmd2 bind "JOY11" "+joyvote"

// Edit : CXX.LIU
// All official configs, except the "Vote/Voice chat bindings"
// When hold L3, L1=Yes, R1=No, Start=Voice Chat

Come carico il file di configurazione del controller?

Aprite la console e scrivete, durante la sessione multiplayer:

execute nomefilecheavetecreato.txt

non c’è bisogno che vi spieghi che potete scegliere un nome qualsiasi per il file.

In caso di problemi, non esitate a chiedere!!

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