IPTV Pro 3.9.0 FULL APK Download!
Come sempre, eccomi qui a postarvi l’ultimissima edizione di questa fantastica applicazione per l’IPTV su smartphone, smartTV android, box TV, tablet ecc.
Descrizione (dal Play Store)
Pro features (comparing with free version):
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Ability to auto-reconnect to streaming server when connection is closed unexpectedly (http streams only).
Start app on device boot option, useful for set-top boxes.
Auto-play last channel option
Extended playlists history
Watch IPTV from your Internet service provider or free live TV channels from any other source in the web.
If you are using VLC to watch TV on your PC then this app is for you.
M3U and XSPF playlists support
Playlists history
Playing multicast streams with UDP proxy (proxy need to be installed in your LAN)
Ability to auto-reconnect to streaming server when connection is closed unexpectedly (http streams only)
Grid or list view of TV channels
EPG support in XMLTV and JTV formats
Start app on device boot option
Added parental control feature
Improved EPG loading
Updated app icon, added round icon for Android 7.1 devices and higher
Optimizations and bug fixes
Dove trovo una lista IPTV da aggiungere?
Ve la do dirrettamente io. Eccola qui (liberi di usarne una qualsiasi).
Scaricate IPTV Pro 3.9.0 FULL APK a questo indirizzo!
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