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Rilasciato Budgie desktop environment 10.2.8

By Matteo Gatti


Una nuova versione del desktop environment è stata rilasciata, ecco tutte le novità.

Budgie 10.2.8 lo trovate a bordo di Solus 1.2.1, ultima release della nota distribuzione Linux. Nelle prossime settimane Budgie 10.2.8 sarà pacchettizzato anche per tutte le altre distribuzioni, incluso Ubuntu.

Le novità

Con Budgie 10.2.8 oltre al supporto per IBUS (Intelligent Input Bus) troviamo dei pannelli rinnovati e un nuovo “Places indicator” per l’acesso rapido ai Documenti, Download, Musica e altro.

Migliorata anche la gestione della “volume applet”, adesso col touchpad è molto semplice alzare o abbassare il volume.

Il design dell’On-Screen Display for Brightness and Sound è migliore: più spazioso e accessibile.

Per quanto concerne le migliorie e i bug corretti ecco una piccola lista:

  • Applets
    • Icon Tasklist icons are now longer squishing on login.
    • User Indicator now has a Hibernate option.
  • Daemon
    • Addressed shadow on EndSessionDialog in composite race-condition.
    • Ensure we always hide the User Indicator window and focus on the daemon window.
    • Fix issues with OSD placement. Basically, the window allocation inexplicablly changes between shows of the window, resulting in a larger offset the second time around, moving the whole OSD one full unit east.
  • Data
    • We now provide fallback icons for pane-{hide,show}-symbolic icons created by horst3180, which are used in the Raven Sidebar Control. These are used in absence of the named icons within the theme itself, such as when using Adwaita.
  • Iconography
    • We now import and utilize iconography contributed by Sam Hewitt, such as: Clock Applet, Icon Tasklist Applet, Lock Keys applet, Notifications Applet, and more.
  • Panel
    • Always restore focus to windows after closing popovers. We now store / restore the focused window in the window manager around expansion changes in the panel.
    • We now chain methods to fix GtkBox allocation spamming journald every half second (ticked by clock update and other applets requiring a refresh). This affects GTK 3.20 onwards.
    • You can now re-order pinned apps by dragging them around!
  • Plugin
    • All applets now extend GtkEventBox and not GtkBin.
      • As seen in issue #574, we have various problems with certain applet types due to extending from the primitive GtkBin. In this particular instance we have no child GdkWindow, which is why the drawing system becomes bizarely bugged and results in rendering in random locations.All applets should have at least one top level GdkWindow that is not part of the GtkWindow’s GdkWindow, to ensure separate context. As a part of this change, all third-party applets should be rebuilt against the new Budgie due to the ABI break introduced here.

Trovate tutte le altre novità introdotte in questa release nel log presente su GitHub, dove potete anche scaricare il codice sorgente e compilarvelo.


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L’articolo Rilasciato Budgie desktop environment 10.2.8 sembra essere il primo su Lffl.org.

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